I should probably start this blog with something meaningful and timely, but I'm in no mood to do so, and instead shall ramble about a book I just finished. During summer, I read. Full stop, end of, I read. I cannot read during term time, so when the holidays roll around, so do the books. And I thought this summer, instead of reading my usual chick flick, I'd actually expand my knowledge of literature and read some big girl books. I'll do a full post dedicated to my summer reading list sometime later this week, since I'm too lazy to find the authors names at this moment in time...
So my first conquest on my book list was 'The Bell Jar' by Slvia Plath, a novel I wanted to read simply because people said you should, as opposed to an actual interest in the book. I read this in about 3 days, as it is fairly short, but I'm not really sure what to say about it, I'm indifferent. It is described in the blurb as 'a novel that in looking at the madness of the world and the world of madness it forces us to consider the great question posed by all truly realistic fction: What is reality and how can it be confronted?'. Essentially, a personal account of a young womens descent into madness, and her attempts at suicide, intriguing, yes? The book was not boring, but I didn't find it all that engaging or influential, merely a time passer. I would recommend the book in the sense that some people can have a significant reaction to it, my friend Helen, who originally recommended the book to me, said it was one of her favourite books, so clearly she's seeing something I'm missing, I think I'll need to read it twice to get the full effect, but for now, i'm unmoved.
Next on my list; The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, and so far, a much easier read, but that doesn't neccessarily mean it will be better. We'll see.